
How to make zig zag line in css

How to make zig zag line in css
  1. How do you make a zigzag line in CSS?
  2. How do you make a zigzag line in HTML?
  3. What is a zig zag line?
  4. What is zigzag layout?

How do you make a zigzag line in CSS?


  1. <div></div>
  2. <div></div>
  3. <div></div>

How do you make a zigzag line in HTML?


  1. .fullTutorial
  2. .fullTutorial a
  3. font-size: 15px.
  4. .zig-zag-line
  5. border: none;
  6. width: 60%;

What is a zig zag line?

A zigzag is a pattern made up of small corners at variable angles, though constant within the zigzag, tracing a path between two parallel lines; it can be described as both jagged and fairly regular.

What is zigzag layout?

A more recent and increasingly common alternative to the aligned pattern is the zigzag layout, which alternates the placement of image and text on each horizontal row. The zigzag layout's recent popularity is likely due to the fact that it breaks monotony and adds visual interest to a long page.

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