
Illustrator CC stroke issue with circular path [duplicate]

Illustrator CC stroke issue with circular path [duplicate]
  1. How do you repeat an object on a path in Illustrator?
  2. What is the shortcut for Duplicate in Illustrator?
  3. Which tools can be used to combine shapes?
  4. How do you Ctrl D in Illustrator?

How do you repeat an object on a path in Illustrator?

To repeat a shape along a path with Illustrator, select the shape, open the Brushes menu, and click the plus (+) icon to add it as a new brush. Choose “Pattern Brush” from the New Brush menu and click OK. You will then be able to draw patterns with it using the Paintbrush Tool.

What is the shortcut for Duplicate in Illustrator?

Object Duplicating

An object can be duplicated in Adobe Illustrator by copying it (Command / Ctrl + C) and pasting it to the front (Command / Ctrl + F) and to the back (Command / Ctrl + B). A new object will be located above or beneath our original object and the contours of both objects will match.

Which tools can be used to combine shapes?

Use the Blob Brush tool to edit filled shapes that you can intersect and merge with other shapes of the same color, or to create artwork from scratch.

How do you Ctrl D in Illustrator?

Identical to the functionality of Adobe Illustrator (i.e. learned behavior,) allow users to select an object and use the keyboard shortcut Cmd/Ctrl + D to duplicate that object after initial copy & paste (or Alt + Drag.)

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