
Which transformation will be equivalent to rotating a figure 90 counterclockwise?

Which transformation will be equivalent to rotating a figure 90 counterclockwise?

Answer: C) Reflecting over the x-axis and then reflecting over the line y = x. Step-by-step explanation: A rotation 90° counterclockwise will map every point (x, y) to (-y, x).

  1. Which transformation is a counterclockwise rotation of 90?
  2. Which transformation will be equivalent to rotating a figure 180 degrees counterclockwise?
  3. What transformation will be equivalent to rotating a figure 270 counterclockwise?
  4. What are the rules for clockwise rotations?
  5. What effect will a 90 degree clockwise rotation have on a triangle?
  6. What happens if you rotate a right triangle?
  7. Which transformation shows a translation of 3 units to the right?
  8. Which figure has a 90 degree rotational symmetry?
  9. Which algebraic rule describes the 270 counterclockwise rotation about the origin?
  10. Which shows the original arrow rotated 90 clockwise?
  11. Which type of transformation does not result in a figure that is congruent to the original one?

Which transformation is a counterclockwise rotation of 90?

When rotating a point 90 degrees counterclockwise about the origin our point A(x,y) becomes A'(-y,x). In other words, switch x and y and make y negative.

Which transformation will be equivalent to rotating a figure 180 degrees counterclockwise?

When you reflect a figure over the x- axis the coordinates change from (x, y) to (x, -y). If you then reflect it over the y-axis the coordinates would change from (x, -y) to (-x, -y). Therefore reflecting over the x-axis and the y-axis will be equivalent to an 180° counterclockwise rotation.

What transformation will be equivalent to rotating a figure 270 counterclockwise?

When you reflect a figure over the y-axis the coordinates change from (x, y) to (-x, y). If you then reflect it over the line y = x the coordinates would change from (-x, y) to (y, -x). Therefore reflecting over the y-axis and then reflecting over the line y = x will be equivalent to an 270° counterclockwise rotation.

What are the rules for clockwise rotations?

Terms in this set (9)

What effect will a 90 degree clockwise rotation have on a triangle?

This rotation changes the position of the triangle (see attached diagram), doesn't change lengths of the sides, doesn't change angles (because the rotation is the rigid transformation).

What happens if you rotate a right triangle?

Step-by-step explanation: The answer is Position of a triangle because if you rotate a right triangle it will still have the same sides, same shape, same everything except position.

Which transformation shows a translation of 3 units to the right?

The "P" in choice B has been translated 3 units to the right. Explanation: The solution is reflection, then rotation. The triangle has been reflected across the y-axis and then rotated.

Which figure has a 90 degree rotational symmetry?

rotation) symmetry, and a square has -turn (or 90-degree) rotation symmetry.

Which algebraic rule describes the 270 counterclockwise rotation about the origin?

The rule for a rotation by 270° about the origin is (x,y)→(y,−x) .

Which shows the original arrow rotated 90 clockwise?

Explanation: Arrow B has been rotated 90° clockwise. This is the same as the number of degress in a quarter circle. Explanation: The solution is reflection.

Which type of transformation does not result in a figure that is congruent to the original one?

Dilation means that something grows bigger. If a figure becomes bigger, then it may remain the same shape but it will not be the same size. Thus, it will not be congruent.

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